Natural Gas
Natural gas is a reliable, efficient, domestic, environmentally-friendly energy source fueling the everyday conveniences that make our lives more comfortable. Explore the topics below to learn more about natural gas.

Knowing how to recognize the signs of a gas leak, what to do if you smell gas and who to call helps with quick, easy response times.

Natural gas was produced from the combination of heat and compaction pressure of organic material deep below the earth’s surface.

Before it gets to our homes, natural gas must be extracted by production companies, moved into a transmission system and distributed via gas utilities or Local Distribution Companies (LDC’s) like Jackson Energy Authority.

Public natural gas utilities provide great benefits while meeting the energy needs of the homes, businesses, and industries in our community.

Natural gas is the versatile fuel source that provides convenience, comfort and reliability to millions.

Homes, businesses, farms, industries and vehicles all depend on natural gas fuel for many uses.

Millions of Americans use natural gas to heat their homes, warm their water, cook their food, dry their clothes and provide standby power in an emergency

Knowing the basics of your gas meter will not only help you better manage your gas usage but also be prepared in the event of an emergency.