Gas Division Contribution Notice - Economic Development Purposes
Notice Regarding Jackson Energy Authority’s Gas Division Contribution to the Jackson Chamber of Commerce for Economic Development Purposes
Jackson Energy Authority (JEA) has many facets to its service to the community, but one of its major efforts is our participation in the industrial and economic development of the community, especially its work with Team Madison County. Since the year 2000, JEA has invested in the Chamber’s All-Aboard and Forward Jackson I campaigns. The level of investment in each of these phases was $100,000 per year. In 2010, JEA began investing in the Forward Jackson II campaign at a level of $125,000 per year. These campaigns had the following objectives:
- Create new jobs in targeted business sectors
- Retain and expand existing operations and organizations
- Assist in strengthening public education, community pride and public safety
- Communicate with the investors and community at large
Understanding the impact these investments have made and will make moving forward, JEA’s Board of Directors approved a resolution at the January 27, 2022 meeting to continue to support the Chamber’s economic and community development efforts.
The Board of Directors has determined that the natural gas utility division has sufficient revenue to satisfy all obligations as required by Tennessee Code Annotated, § 7-34-115(a). Under the authority of Tennessee Code Annotated, § 7-34-115(a)(2), $29,757 of JEA’s Gas Division revenue will be appropriated to the Jackson Chamber of Commerce for economic development purposes for calendar year 2022-2026. The Gas Division’s customer rates will not be raised in order to fund this economic development effort.