Understanding Meters
In addition to residential and commercial domestic service meters, Jackson Energy Authority offers a variety of meter options. Please let your Project Coordinator know which meter you would like to have installed for your build site. If you are unsure which meter best fits your build project, please consider the descriptions below or consult with your Project Coordinator.
Domestic Service Meters
Accurately measures the water usage. Fees incurred for water usage include water and wastewater.
Deduct Meters
Accurately measures the water usage that does not flow into the wastewater system. Fees incurred for water usage include only water. Often used for commercial properties processing water and those using irrigation systems.
Irrigation Meters
Accurately measures the water usage for outdoor irrigation or watering that does not flow into the wastewater system. Fees incurred for water usage include only water.
Hydrant Meters
Allows contractors to obtain water from fire hydrants while protecting the drinking water system from cross connections.
If you choose to install a hydrant meter, a Fire Hydrant Meter Agreement must be signed and returned along with a deposit for the meter dependent upon the size needed. Any contractor/individual obtaining water from Jackson Energy Authority’s water distribution system without a fire hydrant meter is compromising the integrity of the system and committing water theft.