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Welcome to the Jackson Energy Authority Learning Center! Search or browse topics to learn more about our electric, gas, propane, water, wastewater, cable tv, internet and telephone services. Search results include a customer category and service icon(s) in a color-coded bar to help indicate the section where the topic can be found within the website. Explore these sections of our website for even more helpful information.

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Residential | Business | Contractor | Safety
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Electric System Operations and Maintenance

Utility poles, electric wires, transformers, and other electric equipment must constantly be maintained as all play a crucial role in delivering electricity to the meter.

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Reading Your Business Natural Gas Meter

Knowing how to read the natural gas meter at your business can help you keep a close eye on your natural gas usage.

Business | Safety
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Understanding Your Business Natural Gas Meter

Knowing the basics of the gas meter and the piping around it at your business can help you monitor your usage and be prepared in the event of an emergency.

Business | Safety
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Locating Your Business Natural Gas Meter

Knowing the location of your natural gas meter not only helps when monitoring usage but also helps emergency officials.

Residential | Business
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Stingray Music Channels

Enjoy channels 901-950 with your EPlus Broadband Cable TV subscription. Requires a digital converter.

Residential | Business | Contractor
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Dispersed Power Production Program

If you have a renewable energy system, you could sell part or all of the power it produces to TVA.

Residential | Business | Contractor | Support
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EPlus Jackson Connect - Public Wi-Fi

Learn how to use EPlus Jackson Connect and view a map of public Wi-Fi locations in downtown Jackson, TN.

Residential | Business | Contractor
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Public Natural Gas Utilities

Public natural gas utilities provide great benefits while meeting the energy needs of the homes, businesses, and industries in our community.

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Smart Technology for Your Home

A fiber optic network, paired with WiFi and Bluetooth, provides the connectivity to make your home a “smart home.”

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