Source Water Protection

Groundwater is, and will continue to be, the source drinking water for many communities. Although we are blessed with an abundance of high-quality groundwater in a pure form, many natural and man-made factors can create high susceptibility for contamination. A critical element in protecting source water is the prevention of contamination. By identifying the areas that supply water to a public well and implementing management practices for potential contamination sources found within those areas, the threat of contamination can be reduced or eliminated. Public health is protected and the expense of treating polluted water or drilling new wells is avoided through source water (wellhead) protection efforts.

Jackson Energy Authority has in place a wellhead protection plan which focuses on the protection of the source water for their service area. In addition, pro-active involvement with Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation has been established in the event groundwater cleanup and remediation activities are required within the JEA wellhead protection and management zones. On the ever-evolving encroachment on our environment and natural resources, it’s imperative that we stay diligent to protect them.

How You Can Help

In addition to protection from JEA, we can all take part in protecting our drinking water supply.


TDEC Wellhead Protection Program