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Illuminate your parking lot while providing security with the help of durable LED security or floodlights.
Jackson Energy Authority’s cost efficient utilities, reliable service, commitment to high quality and excellent customer service are all major advantages of site-selection or expansion in this community.
Jackson Energy Authority works diligently to keep operating and maintenance expenses down to help maintain utility rates that fall well below the national average.
Following site selection, forming a stable, working relationship is key to the smooth delivery of customized utility services created for operational success.
With its odorless, colorless, tasteless and non-irritating properties, Carbon Monoxide can be dangerous. Know the signs of CO poisoning to prevent harm.
Check out Jackson Energy Authority’s most current Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) rates.
Compressed Natural Gas is a greener, more efficient alternative to transportation fuel than gasoline or diesel.
Monitor your energy consumption to help reduce energy waste and better manage your energy costs.
Energy efficiency is an important factor to help drive down operation costs. By understanding how your business consumes energy, you can better manage your energy use.