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The cities of Jackson and Medina use contractors for sollid waste collection while Jackson Energy Authority serves as a billing and collection agent only as a convenience for both cities.
Pay your JEA bill at PAY Site® Kiosks inside FoodGiant in Jackson. Check them out.
Achieve fast, reliable, consistent Wi-Fi Internet throughout your home with Home Area Network and Adapt™.
Explore parental controls and manage users through Access™ with unparalleled capabilities.
Learn about safe and secured devices, worry-free browsing and no advertisements with Home Area Network.
Learn about Home Area Network and the equipment needed to get started for WiFi connectivity in your home.
The HBO you know and love - now with the HBO Max app. Stream everything on HBO + even more amazing shows and movies. Free with your current HBO subscription.
Are you a fan of texting? Prefer to communicate with us via text messages? Enroll in JEA Text Alerts to get helpful information at your fingertips.
Jackson Energy Authority’s mission of delivering safe reliable electric service to our community receives national recognition.